
Home / News / Industry News / What hand hygiene measures are required when wearing beard covers?

What hand hygiene measures are required when wearing beard covers?

The following hand hygiene measures should be observed when wearing beard covers:

Before handling beard covers, hands should be cleaned thoroughly with soap and water or hand hygiene using a hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol.

After cleaning your hands, avoid touching any surfaces that may contaminate your hands until you start wearing a beard guard.

When opening beard cover packaging, try to use clean tools or avoid direct contact with the inner surface of the packaging to reduce the risk of contamination.
If your hands come into contact with the inside of the beard cover or a potentially contaminated area during wear, your hands should be cleansed again and a new beard cover should be used.

After wearing the beard cover, avoid touching the worn beard cover, especially its inner part, with your hands to keep it clean and sterile.

After completing a surgery or procedure, hand hygiene should be performed again to remove any microorganisms that may remain on the hands.

These hand hygiene measures help reduce the spread of hand bacteria and other microorganisms and keep patients and health care workers safe.